Sunday, November 8, 2015

Prom and Graduation

Spring is always a busy time when you're a student, but even more so when you are trying to have as many experiences as possible before heading back to Germany. Needless to say, Fabi was quite busy once the weather turned nice. He kept busy with rugby in addition to getting in as much time with friends before having to leave the US.

Prom is an annual event at schools in the United States in which students get dressed up and go out to eat and go to a dance with friends. Gathering the courage to ask someone to accompany you is always difficult. It has evidently become common in recent years to create signs or other elaborate schemes to accomplish the simple act of asking someone to accompany you. Fabi spent a weekend afternoon creating just such a sign. Lucky for him, his date said yes.

Before Fabi and his friends went out to eat, we had the opportunity to take some photos of everyone in their finest attire. Neither Fabi nor Krissy and I were aware of the correct procedure for giving someone a corsage. Luckily Fabi was able to figure it out without much embarrassment.

Once prom was over the only other major milestone as far as the academic year went was the graduation ceremony. This took place on the campus of Drake University. It was great to see him get to go through the ceremony. There were over 400 students in the graduating class.

Students typically have a graduation party with family and friends. Fabi celebrated his graduation with his friend Ben and his family.

Before prom

The aforementioned corsage

Host parent shot

And one for the Mr.

Fabi and his date Carli

Looking good

Fabi looks presidential

Final details

The ladies adoring Fabi

The whole group

I thought I did a better job ironing

Graduation ceremony

Roosevelt Orchestra

On the big screen

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