Friday, May 22, 2015

Hiking Yellow River State Forest

With only a few weeks left with Fabi, I realized that I needed to get a few more blog posts up. Since it's been a few months since I've posted anything, a lot has happened. I am going to spread the happenings over 3 or 4 blog posts so that the amount of photos aren't overwhelming. I want to include a lot of photos so that Fabi and his family (and Krissy and I) can easily look back on his year in America in one location. 

In March we took (another) trip up to Seth's parent's cabin in northeast Iowa. Near the cabin is Yellow River State Forest, an 8500 acre forest with about 20 miles of hiking trails. This area is also in the Driftless Area (, a region that is a bit more hilly than the rest of Iowa, as it avoided being flattened during the last glacial period (a scientist I am not, but I think that's the gist of it). Anyway, it makes for some beautiful scenery, to the extent that you can have beautiful scenery in Iowa. We hiked about 15 miles and camped overnight. The trails were muddy in spots due to the winter thaw, but overall we had a really fun time. 

We also had the opportunity to head up to Ames to watch an Iowa State basketball game. While they ended up losing, it was still really a great time. This is only the second time Krissy and I had been to Hilton Coliseum (first time for Fabi). It really is a great environment for a basketball game. Fabi's friend Carter came to the game with us. 

Also in March, we made a trip to Ackley for Krissy's grandma's 90th birthday. While there we went up to the new gym at the school and played some games. Fabi had fun playing with our niece, Taryn. 

Fabi enjoying the Iowa State basketball game

People in the United States love their college sports. I think this is especially true in the Midwest areas where there aren't as many professional teams

Before our hike at Yellow River State Forest. Krissy forgot her hat so she had to borrow an awesome camouflage one from Seth's dad. Looking good, Krissy

Pre-hike shot

This would have been a lot prettier in the fall when there would be leaves on the trees. Oh well, it still made for a fun time. And we were able to discover that Fabi's sleeping pad had a hole in it (which we've since fixed in preparation for our May hiking trips)

We didn't see a whole lot of wildlife. We did, however, come across a dead bald eagle that had gotten trapped underneath a tree. 

This was our campsite (Fabi's tent was to the left in the woods). It was a very pretty spot, even though it was hard to find a level spot to set the tents up.  The chairs that Annegret bought us for Christmas are great! We really love them

Fabi working on the fire. We later discovered a nice pile of dry wood and were able to get a good fire going. 

Hanging out after eating supper. 

Fabi crossing the water. Krissy and I are standing on a bridge that crosses the same water. Fabi had footwear that could withstand a water crossing.

Playing games at Krissy's parents

Fabi having fun with Taryn. This looks more dangerous than it really was (I think). No blood was shed, so we'll call it a victory. 

Maybe Fabi should have tried basketball?

Too hilarious not to include. The ol' senior picture pose.

Sisterly love

The family that plays together stays together? Is that right? I'm sure it's something like that. 

Krissy's cousin feeding a calf born earlier that same day. 

The guest of honor. Krissy's grandma on her 90th birthday

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